I've Just Seen A Face

Chapter 14

I felt the warmth of the sun beating down on my body and face. I knew what had happened and opened up my eyes slowly. Sure enough we were on an island. I sighed, or more groaned, to myself and closed my eyes again. I hoped when I opened them a second time, it will be George’s hotel room. Suddenly, I could felt George tapping me slightly.
“Olivia, Olivia, wake up!” he whispered frantically. I remained calm on the other hand because for me it wasn’t unusual. This sort of event happened pretty often. But for The Beatles, it was something they’ve never experienced, which is completely understandable. No one just disappears from one place and arrives in another in a matter of seconds. I turned around to face George, who looked terrified. I sat up and noticed that all the tribesmen had left, but George and I weren’t the only ones there. Right next to us was Micky, Davy, Mike, Peter, Paul, Ringo, John, Brittany, Sara, and Emily.
“Olivia, what the hell is going on?!” George asked me louder now, since the tribesmen were gone.
“George, now why would you ask her what happened? She’s probably just as clueless as us,” Paul said. I smiled awkwardly.
“Um, actually he’s right in asking me that,” I said looking at Paul. I turned back to George, “We’re on an island,” He made a face.
“Yes, I see that but how did we get here?” he asked me. I shrugged my shoulders.
“Stuff like this always happens to us,” Peter piped up. We looked over at him.
“This always happens to you?” Paul asked him with a ‘are you crazy?’ look.
“Yeah, I think we might’ve actually been to this island too,” he said looking around him. The Beatles all looked at each other. Then George looked at me.
“This really happens to you all the time?” he asked quietly. I could tell he wanted me to say no. Unfortunately, I couldn’t do that.
“Well, to be honest, yes. But this NEVER happened until I met The Monkees. I don’t know why this happens, but, it does.” I said making another face. He just smiled, “George, do you think less of me now or something, because I can’t help this. Like I just said, it happened after I met The Monkees.” He nodded.
“I know, and no I don’t. It’s just, well, something that doesn’t normally happen to a person. I’m still shocked. I feel like I must be dreaming or something.” He said shaking his head.
“Well, bloody hell am I staying here. I’ve got a career and other things to do than sit around here,” John said getting up.
“And what do you propose we do about it John? Swim till we find another island?” Paul said looking up at him, “Face it, we’re stuck here. Plus, we could take a break. It’s beautiful here,” John mumbled a few swear words and sat back down. Everyone was silent. About an hour had passed and none of the tribesman had returned. Paul stood up.
“What are you going to do?” George asked him. Paul smiled as he began unbuttoning his shirt. I raised one of my eyebrows.
“This island is hotter than hell,” he said sweat glistening from his brow and arms, “And like I said, it’s beautiful, so I’m going to go take a dip in the water. I’ll be back.” He finished taking his shirt off, which was soaked with sweat, and then he ran for the water, only about 20 ft. away from where we were sitting. I watched him run off into the water and smiled. He was so cute. I though back to last night and it made me smile even more.
“Well, what are we going to do now?” Brittany asked also looking at Paul and then back at us.
“Wait for the tribes people I guess,” Micky replied. It wasn’t long after Micky said this that they arrived. Paul came back from the ocean just as they were walking towards us.
“Whatia ‘spose they’re gonna do?” John asked, looking at Paul as he sat down.
“Hell if I know,” he replied, wiping his body with his shirt.
“Hacanna swii ala beeb kay,” the leader of the tribe said as he walked up to us.
“What the hell is he saying?” John whispered to Paul, who gave him a look.
“Once again John, how the hell would I know? I know just as much as you.” The chief looked to his left at a younger tribes-woman, and then he began pointing at us,
“Yolanda, hacanna swii ala beeb kay,” he repeated himself. She walked towards us and motioned for George and I to get up. John motioned for us to stay put and stood up himself.
“Hey, what the hell is going on here? I don’t have time for this bull shit,” The chief looked angry all of a sudden. Paul glanced back and forth between the two of them and stood up next to John, holding out his hand.
“Sorry, don’t mind him, he’s really tired from the heat,” Paul said trying to apologize. The chief obviously didn’t understand him and came towards Paul with his hand outstretched.
“Both you, dead now,” he said still coming towards them. They backed up.
“Now wait a minute man, I was apologizing and he didn’t mean what he said, really,” Paul said getting angry. The chief finally stopped and turned to the woman.
“Yolanda, der fonna que quai diche.” As he said this he motioned a knife going across the neck. I suddenly got scared. They were never this hostile before. The woman stood in between Paul, John and the chief. She spoke something in her language and the chief seemed to calm down unwillingly. They exchanged a few more words and the chief left.
“Please stand up,” she said to the rest of us in English as best she could, “My name is Yolanda. And this is our Yousoukie tribe.” Yolanda then walked over to Paul.
“Get up, Big Baby,” she said to him. John burst out laughing. I kind of giggled to myself as well.
“Big Baby?” Paul asked offended, “What is that supposed to mean? And what the hell was wrong with your chief?” With that Yolanda grabbed his cheeks.
“You like Big Baby,” she said smiling. Paul pouted.
“I am not,” he mumbled to himself.
“And my chief not like foreigners much. But I tell him I shall make beautiful babies with you so there is no need to kill you,” she said smiling. Paul’s eyes grew even bigger than they already were. John laughed some more.
“Um, beautiful babies? I don’t think that’s going to work…” he started. Yolanda looked disappointed.
“Um, because, uh, I can’t have babies…”
“That very sad, but I shall make babies with Handsome One then,” she said pointing to John. This time Paul smirked and John began to protest but Yolanda cut him off.
“You three follow me,” she said motioning George, Paul, and me towards her direction.
“What about the others?” Paul asked.
“Others will be fine. King, Queen, and Servant must come with me now. You see others in while,” she said beginning to walk the other direction.
“King, Queen, and Servant?” Paul asked us confused, “Well, we know Olivia must be the Queen, but which one of us is the King?” George shrugged, and we all began to follow Yolanda as another took the others a bit the other direction.

After a 15-minute walk we arrived in the village. Yolanda led us to the biggest hut there, and walked us in. There were two beds inside; one big bed and a little crappy one. On the bigger bed lay two outfits. A skimpy bikini-looking top and a torn right-below-the-butt skirt along with a brown flap. Another brown flap lay on the smaller bed. Paul leaned towards George.
“I am NOT wearing one of those flaps,” he whispered. I looked at him and just as he looked over at me a nodded.
“Yes you are,” I whispered back. He made a face. Just then Yolanda spoke.
“King and Queen this bed,” she said grabbing George and me, “and King and Queen’s slave, this bed.” She said grabbing Paul and leading him to the little bed, “Now, quickly put on clothes.” She said as she left the hut. We all just stood there.
“You have got to be kidding,” Paul said staring down at the little bed and the little flap lying on top of it.
“Well at least I’m the King,” George said smirking. Paul just stared at him with no hint of a smile. George continued, “Looks like you’ll be serving me and Olivia and making beautiful babies with Yolanda. I guess this thing isn’t so bad after all.”
“I’m am not serving you two. And Yolanda is going to have babies with John, not me,” Paul argued.
“Well fine, but you have to serve us. You heard Yolanda, you are OUR SLAVE, Paulie. Now, do as I say and put on that flap!” George ordered and began laughing. Uncontrollably I began to laugh with him. Paul then looked over at me.
“You think this is funny too, aye?” he asked me.
“I’m sorry Paul,.” I said nodding. He nodded with a face that suggested he was going to get even..
“You two just wait,” he said shaking his left pointer at us, “Now both of you turn around or shut your eyes so I can put me flap on.” He ordered disgusted with the attire he was to wear. George and I closed our eyes. I could hear Paul undressing and I was tempted to open my eyes a bit and peek, but I suddenly gained control of myself and squeezed them shut even harder.
“Done,” Paul said after a minute or two. We opened our eyes and George burst out laughing.
“Yeh, I wouldn’t laugh George, you’ve got one too and you don’t have as much muscle as I do,” Paul said. I raised my eyebrows and that apparently made George laugh even harder. If I were state my opinion, I’d have to agree with Paul. Even though that flap looked pretty funny, on Paul, it also looked a little sexy.
“Well close your eyes Paul, so Olivia and I can change,” George said. I swear I saw Paul make a face at that, but I wasn’t positive. However he did glance at me quickly before shutting his eyes. George and I undressed and changed into our new outfits.
“Paul, you better not be peeking,” George said sternly.
“Ah, I’m not. I don’t want to see you naked,” Paul replied. George didn’t reply, but I noticed Paul put a little emphasis on you. At this I smiled, and also wondered if George caught that, but his actions showed he might not have.
“Okay we’re done,” George said folding up his clothes. As soon as Paul opened his eyes he looked at me. I smiled at him, and he smiled back.
“Now what?” Paul asked turning back towards George.
“I don’t know,” George answered. Just then Yolanda came in.
“Done?” she asked and we all nodded, “Good. Come with me.” She said leaving the hut. We all followed her out into the middle of the village where all the others were.
“I hate these bloody outfits,” John said, to Paul and George as we got closer, Ringo standing next to him. They nodded their heads in agreement. Before long it was night and we all headed from the cooking fire to our assigned huts. Paul, George, and I walked in the hut Paul holding the torch.
“Well, don’t suppose you’d like to switch beds aye?” Paul asked us.
“No thanks,” I said.
“Damn,” Paul said climbing into his bed. George and I climbed into ours as well.
“Are you guys sure?” Paul asked looking at his feet hanging off the bottom.
“Yep we’re sure, thanks though,” George said lying down. I gave Paul a sympathy look and he half smiled and shrugged his shoulders.
“Ready for me to blow out the torch?” he asked.
“Yeah, go ahead,” George replied and it was pitch black. I shivered.
“Are you cold?” George whispered, wrapping his arms more around me.
“Yeah, it’s surprising how cold it gets at night,” I said moving towards him.
“Well, come hear I’ll keep you warm,” he said kissing me on the forehead.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Paul suddenly said,
“What’s the matter Paul? Is there a bug?” George said laughing and turning to face Paul’s direction.
“No George there’s not a bug. And even if there were, I wouldn’t be scared. I just wanted to let you know that because I am in here you guys won’t be doing anything,” Paul said.
“What do you mean?” George asked.
“What do you think? No sex, making out, whatever you guys do. You’ll have to wait till we get back, because I don’t want to hear it.”
“Oh Paul, like you’ve never made noise that we’ve all had to hear,” George said. I cringed hating when I heard about Paul having sex with other girls. Plus, it was kinda weird hearing the two arguing about sex.
“George, be quiet,” Paul said slightly complaining. As if I didn’t already know that anyway, “The point is, I don’t want to be in the same room as you two going at it, so please don’t,” Paul said with what sounded to me a voice of hurt.
“Fine,” George said turning towards me, “we weren’t going to do anything anyway, I was just kissing her.” He finished putting his arms tighter around me. Man this was a very awkward position to be in. Both of the guys I really liked fighting over “making noise” in front of the other.
“Have you guys even had sex?” Paul asked suddenly.
“What?” George said.
“You heard me,” Paul said back. There was silence for a few seconds.
“No we have not,” George said. I suddenly wondered if that bothered George. I’m sure he was used to girls putting out right away, but I wasn’t like that at all. I hoped it didn’t bother him, because it would probably be a while before I would do that, if at all. Especially since I was still confused about my growing feelings for Paul.
“Oh, well, goodnight I guess,” Paul said.
“Goodnight Paul,” George said.
“Goodnight Paul,” I said, “Goodnight George,” I whispered.

The next day Yolanda woke us up saying ‘bath time’. George and I had to wash each other, but that wasn’t bad at all. I didn’t know about the others. The last few times we’ve been here, I’ve had to wash all the guys. It was pretty bad, so maybe one of the other girls got it this time. However, I kinda hoped they didn’t. We headed out to a different spot to eat breakfast, and this time we all had assigned seats. As Yolanda read our seats off, I noticed she had a few new nicknames. Paul, as you know was Big Baby. Davy was Little Baby, John again was Handsome One, and Micky was Fro (Micky didn’t normally have a fro, but when he can’t comb it down it gets frizzy and puffy, I’m sure you’ve seen this stage before). We waited at the table for our meals.
“So, how was everyone’s sleep?” Brittany asked.
“Fine,” John said for all of us. “And you?”
“Good,” she said. I finally noticed that Davy hadn’t said a single word since we got there. He looked really horrible as a matter of fact and I felt really bad all of a sudden. This must be horrible for him, to see George and me actually together. I wish there was something I could say to him, but I couldn’t think of anything. Before long, Yolanda came out with the food, but today it didn’t look good. It was slop. And I mean slop. Last night we had fish over the fire, but this was totally different.
“Eat up,” she said handing out the mush. She handed one to me, and I just looked at it.
“Um, I’m not really that hungry,” I said to her.
“No, you eat. Eat all of it.” She said, pushing it more in my face. I shook my head.
“C’mon, Olivia, eat it. It’s good for you!” Paul said kiddy-corner from me. Yolanda turned around and looked at him.
“Yes, listen to Big Baby, it good for you,” she said setting it on my lap,
“Yeah, listen to Big Baby,” Paul said smiling and acting all butch. I shook my head at him.
“Eat.” Yolanda ordered watching me as I took my first bite. I felt like throwing up. She smiled and continued down the line. I glared at Paul, who of course was still smiling. I guess this was the start of his getting back at us for actually making him do what we say (which by the way George and I had fun with yesterday during the day). He quickly looked up to see if Yolanda was looking and she wasn’t, so he threw the slop in the bush behind him so it looked like he had finished. My mouth fell open. Well then, if he wanted to play this little game with me, I could definitely play back.
“Paul, what are you doing? I thought that was good for you?” I asked loudly. He looked over at me with a look of shock on his face. Yolanda turned around.
“What happened?” she asked me. I pointed to Paul who was just staring at me.
“I just saw him throw his slop in the bush. You should probably give him another one and make sure he eats it all.” I said giving Paul, who was still staring at me, a ‘ha ha’ look. Yolanda quickly renewed Paul’s slop and definitely made him eat it all. I think Paul’s skin color went from a nice tan to a sickly shade of white after finishing his slop. I felt bad, but he made me eat mine too. Although this seemed mean of the both of us, it was more of a flirtatious mannered game. We were flirting the whole time. In fact, I don’t think we’ve stopped flirting since that day in the pool. I’m sure we all remember that, so I won’t tell it over again. After our breakfast, Yolanda said she was taking us hunting in the forest for dinner, however she was the only one with a bow and arrow. As we walked along, Brittany was coming up with ideas…
“Hey guys,” she whispered as Yolanda was up ahead, “we should figure out a way to ditch Yolanda and get the heck out of here.”
“That’s a great idea, but there’s a problem. How?” Paul said.
“We could just tell her we saw some sort of animal over in the distance, and then escape when she goes to get it…” John suggested.
“Good plan,” Brittany said. We walked a bit further before John yelled out.
“Yolanda!” She turned around.
“What is it Handsome One?”
“I thought I just saw 3 deer or antelope, something, over in the east!” He said. She quickly turned her head in that direction.
“Three?” She asked surprised.
“Yeah, three!”
“You stay, I go get.” She said and crept her way through the trees.
“Good job, let’s go, fast!” Brittany whispered. We all began to run in the opposite direction. We ended up walking through the forest for about 2 days. After 2 hours of walking on the present day, we noticed that no one had seen Davy in the last 10 minutes.
“Hey, where did Davy go?” Micky asked. We all began looking around, but we couldn’t see him anywhere. I began to get worried.
“Maybe we should head back the way we came and look for him,” Sara suggested. We all agreed and began backtracking. After about 15 minutes, we found him sitting next to a tree.
“Davy, what are you doing!?” Peter shouted as he ran up to him. Davy looked up, but with no effort at all.
“You guys just go on with out me. I’m going to stay here.” He said. What was he thinking?
“What? Davy, we’re not gonna leave you here,” Mike said, “Now c’mon,” Peter tried pulling Davy up, but he wouldn’t budge.
“No,” Davy said shaking his head, “I have no reason to go back. She’s gone.” He said. All of a sudden I felt horrible. He didn’t want to go home because of me. I knew he was going to be like this too. He does every time I leave him or we have a break. I figured I shouldn’t say anything, because it might make things worse, so I stood quiet. George however was looking at me strangely. Again I just realized that George had been quiet all day as well. What was going on with all the guys I like or liked? At least Paul was still talking and being normal.
“What do you mean you have no reason? What about us Davy?” Peter asked. Davy just looked at him.
“Peter, I can’t…,” he said softly. Peter stood up.
“Fine Davy, if she means more to you than we do than we will leave you here. I don’t care,” Peter said mad and started to walk away.
“Whoa there, shotgun,” Mike said stopping Peter, “C’mon, we ain’t gonna leave Davy here. Davy pull yourself together, we have to get going before Yolanda gets back. You can do this at home. Don’t ruin this for all 11 of us,” Davy looked up at him.
“Okay,” he said getting up. We began walking again, everyone quiet. But before long we were missing Davy again.
“Uh, why does he keep doing this!” Brittany said really angry.
“He’s really annoying,” John said pulling out a cigarette from the side of his flap. They had to keep their ciggies.... Paul nodded and took a ciggie out himself. We again went back and found him lying underneath some green tarp thing.
“Davy, come on…” Micky begged, “Stop this.”
“No, I can’t,” Davy said from underneath. Brittany walked up to him and yanked the tarp off.
“Davy, we don’t have time for this. We have to get going!” she said, and then she got the ‘I’ve got an idea’ look on her face, “I’ve got it! I’ll hypnotize you so you don’t love Olivia anymore!” Davy just pulled the tarp back over his head, but Brittany pulled it down again catching him and getting him to look at her necklace. She’d been practicing the whole hypnotizing thing for a while, and it actually works. So within a few minutes Davy was normal. We continued walking, and this time George was the one to lag behind. But he just fell hard onto the ground and lay there.
“Well, it’s getting dark anyway, so I guess this is our rest spot.” Brittany said frustrated. I walked over to George, and sat down. He just looked at me.
“George are you okay?” I asked.
“Are you okay?” I asked again, “You’ve been acting strange today,”
“How?” he said.
“I don’t know, you just have.”
“Where?” he replied and I raised one eyebrow confused. What was he doing?
“Where what?” I asked.
“Who?” he blurted. I was beginning to think George was not himself.
“Can you say anything else?” I asked him.
“Why?” I rolled my eyes and started to get up.
“Where are you going?” he asked me. I sat back down.
“Are you okay now?”
“How?” he then asked. I sighed and got up to sit by the others. The only spot left was by Davy, but I sat down anyway.
“Hi Olivia,” he said normally.
“Hi Davy,”
“How are you?”
“Fine, you?”
“Good.” He smiled and I smiled back. Although it was nice that he was happy it was kinda weird, “Hey while you’re here, I need to tell you something I never told you. Brittany and I made out a couple months ago.” He just blurted out. I couldn’t believe what I had just heard.
“What?” I asked him.
“Well, I figured since I don’t love you anymore and we’re not together I could tell you that Brittany and I got down to our undergarments a couple months ago. I was still shocked.
“Davy!” Brittany shouted.
“Brittany what is going on?” Micky asked very much into our conversation now.
“I was on those stiffy pills! I popped some in earlier to see if they really worked. It was way before I even showed them to you guys, I just needed to know if they worked like the bottle said. And well they did. Micky you weren’t around so I went to Davy, I couldn’t help what I was doing!” she shrieked. Micky didn’t say anything, he just looked at her.
“Davy, I can’t believe this. Why did you go to her? We were still together!” I said.
“What do you mean what? Just because I’m with George doesn’t mean that what you did when we were dating isn’t going to matter. Especially when you were making out with my best friend!” I said mad. I couldn’t believe this. This made me like him less. I knew that he was on some trance thing and that was making him all nonchalant, but that pissed me off even more. I looked around, and saw George was still laying on the floor acting like a weirdo. I then saw Paul with a spot open next to him and John. I got up and walked over to them.
“Mind if I sit down?” I asked. Paul looked up and smiled.
“Not at all, luv,” he said patting his hand on the log.
“Thanks,” I said sitting down.
“What’s gonna on over there? There’s a lot of yelling,” John said.
“Yeah, me and Micky just found out that Davy and Brittany made-out until they were in their undergarments while we were going out with each other. You know, me and Davy, and of course Micky and Brittany,” I said, “I can’t believe he did that! We were still together!” I said getting more upset, “And George is acting like a weirdo,” I added looking over at George.
“Yeah, we noticed,” John said looking over at George and shaking his head.
“Sorry to hear about what happened,” Paul said, “but at least now you know.”
“Yeah, I suppose,” I said, “It actually makes me like him less, but I guess that’s a good thing right?”
“You still have feelings for him?” Paul asked.
“No, not really. I just feel bad for what I did to him, but I don’t right now. Do you understand what I mean?” I asked. He nodded his head.
“Yeah, just thought I’d make sure. I don’t want George getting hurt.” Paul said. I felt bad for Paul too, I wonder if he was hurt at all by this. I mean I lead him on, and we’ve let each other know plenty of times how we feel, but I’m still with George.
“He won’t.” I assured him, thinking back to George. We smiled at each other awkwardly because it was an awkward topic for the two of us to talk about, considering the little moments we’ve shared here and there.
I began to get drowsy and headed off to sleep. I think I might’ve even fell asleep on Paul’s shoulder. However, when I woke up, I was once again in a bed, in a hotel room, next to George. I just hope he wasn’t still crazy.

On to Chapter 15