I've Just Seen A Face

Chapter 21

I was going through my closet trying to get rid of some clothes. It was way too full, plus I thought I would donate them to a family who needed them. I took out another shirt and turned to find a place to put it. I found a little corner on my bed, and just as I set it down, there was a knock on my door. I wondered who it was, and hoped it was no one special because I didn’t look my best. I was showered, had make-up on and everything, but I was wearing jeans with big holes in the knees and underneath the back pockets from being so worn, and a white tank top. I had a bandana holding my hair back so I could clean better, but a few pieces hung down around my face and onto my shoulders. It was a crappy outfit, but it kept me cool (especially on days like this) and it was good to clean in. I walked over and I opened the door not expecting to see who was there.
“Paul!” I shrieked and gave him a big hug. I missed him and the others terribly. He put his hands around my waist and returned the hug.
He smiled. “Hey, luv.” he said and let go of me gently. With his arm still slightly on the small of my back I motioned him to come in.
“Sorry, for the mess. I’m cleaning.” I said half smiling as I shut my door. He just laughed and looked around my room.
“Ah, don’t worry about it. How are you?” He asked turning back to face me, and smiled. I grinned back at him.
“Good, I thought you weren’t getting back till tomorrow some time?” I said as I turned my back towards him to make some room on my bed for us to sit down. As I moved my clothes, I heard Paul make a little grunt/moan noise.
“Um, yeah, uh, we were,” He began and paused to clear his throat, “But one of the press conferences was canceled, and so we voted to come back today and surprise you.” he said clearing his throat again. Was he sick?
“Oh, well you sure did surprise me!” I said turning back to him and smiling. I saw his eyes quickly move from a spot he was obviously staring at to my face. ‘Was he looking at my butt?’ I thought, and continued talking, “I just wish I looked better. I would’ve dressed normal if I knew you were coming.” I said. Making a face and looking down and my cleaning attire. And it was then that I remembered what the back of my jeans looked like. There were pretty big holes right underneath my bum, exposing a bit, and I wondered if that was what he was looking and making weird noises at. I smiled to myself feeling flattered.
“Oh, no luv, I think you look wonderful. You should wear that more often,….” He said checking me out. ‘Paul….’ I said to myself and smiled, blushing at the same time. “…you look damn sexy.” He added very softly and swallowed hard. I don’t think he wanted me to hear, but I heard him anyway.
“What?” I asked him. He looked over at a pile of clothes on my bed and walked over to it. He lifted up a shirt that was way to small for me.
“What? I didn’t say anything.” he said looking back to me and unfolding the shirt looking at it.
“Yes you did. And I did hear what you said. I just wanted to make sure I heard right.” He continued to look at the shirt and spoke without looking at me.
“You heard right…Now, why are you getting rid of this?” He asked changing the subject, and walked over to me with the shirt. I just smiled. He was so sweet and I thought it was adorable how he was embarrassed that I heard him.
“Because it’s too small.” I said going with the subject change making him feel less embarrassed. It wasn’t often you saw Paul McCartney nervous or embarrassed, so when he was around me, I felt really good inside. First he smiled as to say thanks, and then he looked confused as he held the shirt up to me.
“Too small? Nah,” he said wrinkling his nose, “I think it would look nice.” He said snickering, because he knew if I were to wear it, half my stomach would be showing as well as my boobs. I felt better, because he seemed to be back to being normal Paul. Don’t get me wrong, I love it when he shows how he feels for me, but it gets awkward at times. Also, I promised myself, ever since that mix-up thing with George and Davy, that things between us were going to change. So, I didn’t want to be tempted to do something I’ll regret. I still felt the same way about him, and seeing him now made it all the stronger, but I still couldn’t bring myself to cut it off with George nor hurt him by cheating on him with his best friend. I rolled my eyes, grabbed the shirt from Paul, and gave him a little shove.
“Hey, that hurt.” he complained rubbing his chest. I laughed.
“Baby,” I said folding up my shirt and putting it back. “You’re not so tough when John’s not here to protect you.” I said kidding. He stuck his tongue out at me.
“Whatever, I could kick his ass if I wanted to.” He said, and I think he was being serious. I didn’t say anything, and just let him think what he wanted.
“Hey, Paul, where are the other guys?” I said. After talking about John, I realized Paul was the only one here.
“Oh, um, John brought Cyn along, so their out. Ringo is back at the hotel with George, and George is sick so he asked me to come get you.” He said finding my candy jar and began snooping through it.
“Oh. Why are you so snoopy right now?” I asked smiling. He looked up and immediately put the jar down.
“I don’t know, sorry.” I walked over to him and grabbed his hand. I led him away from my shelf.
“No, no, Paul. Candy is only after supper.” I said acting like a mom. He hung his head.
“I’m sorry!” He yelled suddenly and fell to his knees, arms around me and head resting on my stomach. I laughed immediately. He was so weird. I patted his head.
“Please forgive me, Olivia?” He asked looking up at me with sad eyes. As I looked down at him, something happened inside of me. It was a feeling that I’ve never felt before. Not with Davy, not with George, and not with Paul before now. My heart was beating so hard, as if any minute it would jump out of my body, making my stomach churn giving me serious flutters. I breathed in deeply as the tingles began in my fingertips and continued throughout my body. I felt so warm and safe standing with the man of my dreams arms wrapped around me. I slowly began moving my fingers through his hair.
“Of course, I forgive you.” I said softly, giving him not a flirty, nor sexy, smile, but a loving one. I began to think I was in love with Paul, and it scared me to death. He smiled back, and once again rested his head against my stomach. I just stood there in silence, continuing to run my fingers through his thick dark brown hair.
“I really missed you..” He said being serious again. I looked down at him. He was still on his knees with his arms around me and head nuzzled in my stomach. His eyes were shut. My heart pulled at my chest again.
“I know, I missed you too.” I said. He looked up at me with deep longing in his eyes. Slowly he got up and stood facing me, his strong arms still around me pulling me against him. And as I stared into his eyes and he caressed my cheek, I shut my eyes and suddenly I wanted to cry. I’ve wanted to feel this for so long and I wanted Paul so much. My mind began racing. What was I going to do? I can’t keep doing this with Paul while dating George, but I don’t think things with Paul would ever work out. I yearned for him to be mine so much, but I could never have him. He was very different from me, and I don’t even know exactly how he feels. I know he cares, but as I just realized, I was not infatuated with him, I was beginning to love him, I wondered if he’s realized how he really feels. Is it just infatuation for him towards me, or is there more? I still hadn’t opened my eyes, and in only a brief moment, Paul’s soft and warm lips were on mine. A tear fell down my cheek, as his left hand moved to hold my neck and his right pulled me closer to him yet. He began to slowly bring his tongue into my mouth, when I couldn’t do it anymore. I pulled away, but instead of moving away from him, I wrapped my arms around his neck and put my face into his chest.
“Paul, I can’t do this.” I said muffled and I began crying into his shirt. He stood there moving his hand softly and slowly up and down my back comforting me, although he had no idea what was going on. After about a minute, he moved his hands up to hold my head and pulled it back slightly and looked down into my crying eyes, totally confused. I cried more and shut my eyes.
“Olivia, what’s wrong? Did I do something?” He asked worried. I opened my eyes to see him looking at me with such love. Was it love, or was I just seeing what I wanted. I shook my head and looked down. ‘You only made me fall in love with you,’ I answered his question in my mind. I looked back up at him.
“Paul…I, just need to think.” I said taking a deep breath and trying to calm myself down. He nodded and I felt like he understood a little. He pulled my head towards him and kissed my forehead. I closed my eyes again, feeling his warmth on my forehead, as well as throughout my body.
“Okay, luv.” was all he said. I looked at him one last time and tried to smile.
“Thank you,” I whispered, “ and I’m sorry I-” I began but Paul brought his hand around from my neck to place his finger gently on my lips. He shook he head.
“Olivia, luv, don’t be sorry.” He said quietly, “I should be sorry. I should have never let me true feelings show, and make you feel this way. I truly am sorry, I’ll go so you can think.” I could tell that he knew I wasn’t mad at him, I was just confused. So I just smiled.
“Thank you, Paul.” I said, and he let go of me and began walking to the door. I just stood there.
“No problem. I’ll tell the others that you weren’t feeling so hot today, but you’ll call when your better. Sound alright?” He asked. I nodded my head, “Ta,” he said and turned walking out of my door, but I prayed not out of my life.

On to Chapter 22