I've Just Seen A Face

Chapter 24

To my surprise, when I woke up the next morning my room was still dark. And I mean really dark. Because I was half asleep, I didn’t think too much about it and leaned over to turn on my lamp. Within seconds I was totally awake and I shot my arm back to me. There was someone there… I laid there in silence wondering what was happening. I turned to the other side of me and began to reach. Once again I brought my arm back quickly. There was someone on that side too! As I laid there I realized a stench haunting the air, and realized where I was. I was in the stomach. This sounds crazy I know, but I was in a HUGE stomach on a bed in between two people, and I didn’t know who they were.
“Who’s in here?” I asked quietly.
“Olivia?” I heard a voice whisper.
“Who are you?” I asked back.
“It’s me, George…” I sighed out of relief. One down, one to go.
“Oh, thank God.” I said, still whispering. We still didn’t know who was next to us.
“What’s going on here?” He asked.
“We’re in the stomach, duh!” I heard Peter say on the other side. Another sigh of relief.
“Oh, Peter, it’s you. Why didn’t you say anything?” I asked.
“Because I wanted to know who you guys were first.” He said.
“What do you mean, ‘the stomach’?” George asked. I was glad Peter was in here, because he would just explain it as if it’s a normal thing, making me seem less crazy. And he did just that.
“Okay, I thought the future was weird, but this definitely is worse. And it reeks…” George said, and from his voice I could tell he plugged his nose. He kinda sounded like John now.
“I know, but it’s not really all that bad.” I told him.
“Ya, we play games in here sometimes.” Peter said.
“Ya, guessing type games. Oh, and don’t get off the bed. It’s all acid.”
“Holy shit…” I heard George whisper to himself as he moved closer to me. I felt his head get really close to me.
“Olivia, what are you wearing?” he whispered. I thought what an odd question, but then I figured it out.
“Um, my lingerie. I just woke up in here.” I told him.
“Oh, too bad we can’t see anything.” He said and I could tell he was smiling. I smiled a little.
“Eww, you’re in your lingerie?” Peter said moving away from me.
“What? It’s not like you can see me.” I told him.
“So, it’s still gross.” He said.
“Well fine, I’ll tell you what. When you pop back outta here go to my house and grab something from my closet will you?” I asked him.
“You pop out of here?” George asked.
“Ya, you won’t always be in here, and when you are, you won’t always be with the same people. Peter or I could pop out any minute and someone else would be in here with you.” I said.
“Will I know them?” He asked.
“Not all the time. Sometimes you get weirdoes, scary people, normal people….but most the time it’s people you know.” I said reassuring him.
“Oh, good.” He said as he held my hand. As we laid there, I could feel George’s hand moving around on my body. Soon, he had his hand under my pjs and on my bare stomach. I felt weird because I wasn’t feeling those feelings for George anymore. I didn’t move though, because I didn’t want him to ask about it now.
“I’m cold…” He whispered to me, explaining why he had his hand where it was.
“That’s fine.” I said, when really I was wishing he would move it.
“Who is this?” I heard a voice say from George’s spot. I think it was Davy.
“Olivia, who are you?” I asked. Quickly the hand removed itself from my stomach.
“It’s Davy.” he said, not mad nor sad, but definitely not himself.
“Davy!! Finally!” Peter said.
“Hi Peter.” he replied, “Who was in here before me?”
“George,” Peter spoke for me. Davy didn’t say a word. This was really awkward and I wished I would pop out or Davy would leave. We laid in silence for so long that it became really weird. Peter was usually blabbing his head off. I turned in his direction, and poked the person. They retracted quickly.
“Hello?” I said. They didn’t answer.
“Who are you?” I said again poking them. They once again pulled away.
“Who are you?” said a really deep voice, but it was obvious it wasn’t like that normally.
“I asked you first.” I said. There was silence for a minute.
“Olivia?” The deep voice said.
“Yes, who are you?” I asked again.
“It’s Paul,” he said talking normally.
“Oh great…” I heard Davy mumble.
“Shit, is that Davy?” Paul asked me.
“Yeah.” I heard Paul mutter under his breath.
“What’s going on here?” He asked. Peter wasn’t here and Davy wasn’t going to talk to Paul, so I had to explain everything Peter had told George.
“This is screwed up.” He said.
“I know.” I told him. Again silence. It really sucked.
“Hello?” I heard someone say on the other side.
“George?” I asked.
“Oh good, it’s still you. Peter?” he asked.
“No, Paul.”
“Even better. Isn’t this bloody insane?” George asked Paul.
“Yeah,” he replied. I felt kinda weird being in between the two of them. Is there anybody in here that won’t make me feel awkward?? Luckily, within about 20 minutes, I was back in my apartment. I went right to the shower and prayed I wouldn’t end up back in the stomach naked. Luckily I got out in time. I walked out in my towel to go grab some clothes, when I was back in the stomach. Great. When I returned, someone was kissing me on one side and someone was pulling me away on the other. I recognized the kiss right away.
“Paul!” I said, and right away he flinched back. He was caught yet again. Just then I flung back against the person pulling on me.
“Whoa, are you o-….what are you wearing?” He suddenly asked. I recognized John’s voice, and I could tell he had that wicked smile. I quickly moved back to my spot in the middle of them.
“Nothing…” I said.
“Nothing?!” Paul asked, surprised.
“No, yes, I’m wearing something, but I don’t want to say…“
“If felt like you were wear-”
“John shut up.” I said before he said what it was.
“Hey, I want to know. What is it with you two keeping secrets?” Paul complained. I ignored his question. I was quite frustrated with him.
“What were you guys doing?” I asked, wanting to know what was going on.
“Oh, there was some girl in here and Paul wa-”
“Shut up John.” I heard Paul say. Oh, so he’s gonna hide it huh.
“Why the bloody hell is everyone telling me to shut up!” John said annoyed. We didn’t answer him.
“It’s obvious you were kissing someone Paul.” I said, turning towards Paul‘s direction. He didn’t answer, “Um, Paul are you deaf?” I asked getting even more annoyed.
“Paul? No, this is Peter.”
“Oh, hi Peter.” George and I said. Paul, you were very lucky, I thought to myself.
“George?” I said turning back towards where John was.
“Hello, love.” He said, “It’s you two again huh?”
“Yep. Peter did you get some clothes for me?” I asked hoping he didn’t forget.
“Ya, here.” He said. I felt around and soon found some jeans and a turtleneck. I laughed to myself. No skin showing whatsoever in this.
“Thank you Peter,” I said still laughing.
“Sure. Can I ask you something?” He said.
“Go ahead.”
“Why do you have a Playboy Bunny suit in your closet?” he said and I froze. How in the world did he find that!?
“Playboy Bunny?” George said, “Were you a Bunny, love?” Crap, I thought to myself.
“Um, no it was a Halloween costume.” I said lying. I didn’t want him to know.
“No it’s not. It said property of Playboy.” Peter said. I hate his big mouth sometimes.
“So you were one?” George asked, laughing, but surprised at the same time.
“Ya so. Only for a little bit.” I said embarrassed.
“That’s kinda kinky. Will you put it on for me?” He asked.
“Put what on?” Paul asked. Great….
“Oh hey, Paulie. Olivia here was a Playboy B-” I covered his mouth with my hands.
“Shhh,” I said, but it was too late.
“Playboy bunny?” Paul asked clearly shocked.
“No,” I said.
“You lie,” he said back. There was no getting out of this.
“Fine, yes I was a Playboy Bunny, but only for a little.” I said, taking my hands off George.
“Wow, guess you aren’t as conservative as we thought now huh?” he said laughing.
“Shut up Paul,” I said angry at him from before. He was trying to drop that it happened, and I wasn’t about to let it.
“It’s alright love, we’re just teasing.” George said giving me a little kiss. He tried to go further and at first I wouldn’t let him, but being that I was mad at Paul and he was there right next to me, I did. I wanted to make him jealous. Before long, I was no longer wearing the jeans and turtleneck Peter had brought me, and George was wanting to go further. Not only did I not let him because of Paul, but also because if he were to switch, it would be incredibly embarrassing. We just continued to kiss, and his hands continued to roam. All of a sudden, a light was shining bright in our eyes. I stopped and turned to see and stupid grin on Paul’s face. It seemed to say “It’s not going to work”. I quickly pushed George off and covered myself with my blanket. As much as I was mad at Paul for turning on the stupid little light he found, I was glad because George soon switched to some Mexican guy. Paul continued to shine the light on me because I wasn’t wearing much.
“Paul, turn that off.” I said. He shut it off. We just laid there. No one spoke, not even the stranger. Soon the light was back on and Paul was looking at me, with a sad face.
“What? Turn that off.” I said, trying to cover up myself, but there wasn’t much blanket.
“No, not until you tell me why you are mad at me.” he said. Before I could begin, he spoke again, “Because we, or you I should say, already established that this wasn’t going to work, rmemeber?“ He said seeming to shove that reason in my face, “so you shouldn’t be getting mad at me.” he said continuing to shine the light.
“Well, I am mad at you and if you shut that light off I’ll tell you why.” I said. He turned it off quickly, “now get rid of it.” I said. He turned it back on.
“Paul!” I whined.
“Get rid of it?” He asked shocked.
I nodded, “Either that, or I don’t tell you.” I said. He shut it off and I could hear the acid eat it away as he dropped it. He didn’t speak.
“The reason that I got so mad, is because for the last few weeks I’ve been trying to tell you…” I thought one more time about doing this and continued, “that the reason I’m dumping George is not only because I don’t have feelings for him, but also….”
“What?” he asked, and I could hear the hint of hope in his voice.
“…because I can’t stop thinking about you. And I want to be with you.” I said. There was silence, and Paul soon took my hands underneath the blanket.
“I thought you said you didn’t think it would work out.” he said softly.
“I know, but I didn’t really mean it. It seemed every time I was about to tell you, you would be with another girl, so I made up that reason, because I was angry and sad. I mean, I’m sure there will be difficulties, but there is with every relationship, and, well, I’m willing to go through hell if it means being with you.” I said. I debated on whether or not I should tell him that I loved him. I decided against it. It was too early. I didn’t even know if his feelings for me were real yet. I wasn’t about to make myself vulnerable to pain.
“Olivia, I wished you would’ve told me that. I was dying inside when I thought you would never come my way. Messing around with girls took me mind off of you for a bit. But not for long…” He said and pulled me closer. We were just about to kiss when the Mexican Man finally spoke.
“Burrito, I need to roll!” He shouted and began rolling very hard back and forth on the bed, cramming me up against Paul. He also tried taking the blanket, so Paul was trying to keep hold on to it. The Mexican Man was annoying but being pressed against Paul as he held me tight wasn’t bad at all. Finally the man stopped.
“Are you okay now?” Paul asked kind of laughing.
“Si, si!” The man said. I giggled up against Paul.
“So when are you going to tell George?” He asked me, turning serious again.
“Next time I see him. I’ve been putting it off too long.” I said.
“Okay. I feel bad saying it, but I‘m glad your breaking up with him” he said.
“Because he’s one of me best mates, and I know he’ll be crushed.” I felt sad, but I had to do it.
“There’s only one more thing then..” he said.
“And what’s that?” I asked. He lowered his head and kissed my lips softly.
“Olivia, will you be my girl?” He asked, and I could tell he was smiling.
“Yes,” I whispered. Then he disappeared.

On to Chapter 25