

Chapter 8

Afterwards, we just laid with each other and snuggled. For some reason as I laid there holding on to him and he holding on to me, I began thinking about the Jane incident. I know he explained himself and I truly did believe him…about Jane. But as I laid there, I knew a part of me still didn’t quite believe him when he said he would never fool around. Of course he probably meant it now, but how was he to know for the future? I’m sure he never thought he would do anything while with Jane, and look what happened there.
“Hey, love, I have to go to the bathroom,” Paul said looking down at me.
“Jeez, you always have to go to the bathroom after this,” I said moving so he could get out. He not only had to go to the bathroom all the time, but he was always in there for a while. He shrugged.
“I can’t help it,” he said as he put his underwear and pants back on and left the room. I just laid there continuing to think. As I said many months ago, if he ever cheated on me I would be totally crushed. But when I said it so long ago, I was only beginning to truly feel things for Paul, and now, I was head over heels in love with him. If he ever did anything like that to me, I know my heart would break into a million pieces and never heal. On the other side though, I knew what I was getting into. My friends tried to tell me and as much as I just didn’t really listen, I knew it was true. I knew I wouldn’t always be with him so he could do whatever he wanted without telling me. His main fans were girls, so I knew I’d have to somewhat share him, but I really didn’t want to. I suddenly had to go to the bathroom myself so I started getting my stuff on. What the heck was Paul doing? As I strapped my bra back on, Paul walked in.
“Finally,” I said laughing. He smiled.
“Sorry, I really had to pee,” he said. He took all that time to pee? Whatever, “What are you doing love?” he asked walking towards me.
“It’s my turn now,” I said, walking towards the door. Paul stopped me.
“Paul, what are you doing?” I asked. His smile went away, and something didn’t seem right. He was scaring me.
“Go back on the bed,” he said. I shook my head and tried to get around him. He wouldn’t let me.
“No, Paul, I have to go to the bathroom,” I said again. He grabbed my arms, not softly, and began pushing me towards the bed. I flung my arms out of his tight grip. I rubbed my arm, “That hurt Paul,” I said. He just stared at me.
“Well, if you don’t want it to happen again, then lay back down.” He said forcefully. Scared, I did as he said. He went on top of me.
“Paul, what are you doing?” I asked him.
“I want to do it again,” he said.
“Do what?” I asked.
“What do you think?” he asked smiling. All this for more of that? Holy crap, Paul.
“Paul we just did that,” I said not really wanting to do that with him right now.
“So, I want to do it again,” he said. I shook my head and started pushing him off of me, but he quickly and rather strongly grabbed my arms and forced them down. He brought his face inches from mine, “I don’t really care what you want,” he said. This was not my Paul.
“Where’s Paul?” I asked him. He made a puzzled look.
“What are you talking about? I am Paul.” He said laughing. I shook my head.
“No you aren’t. Paul’s not rough like this,” Surprisingly he got off of me and let go. I sat up.
“Sorry love, I was just trying something new. Some girls like it like that.” He said. Still not sure what was going on I shook my head and looked at my arms. There was a red hand print on each.
“Not me,” I said looking at him. He seemed sad all of a sudden.
“Holy, did I do that!?” he asked looking at my arms.
“No, that other person did,” I said sarcastically. He made a face.
“I’m so sorry love,” he said as he came and held onto me. I was so confused, but thought of an idea.
“Hey Paul?” I asked.
“Yeah,” he asked looking at me.
“I forgot, who said I love you first?” I asked.
“I did, silly,” he said laughing.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, remember, we were kissing and snuggling then I told you how I really felt,” he said. I got up and stood away from him. His face went from smiling to pissed.
“Where is Paul?” I asked firmly. He stared at me.
“I am Paul,”
“No your not! Where is he?” I yelled, scared.
“He’s not here,” the Paul impersonator said getting up. I moved backwards.
“Paul! Where are you?” I yelled. There was no answer. The man coming at me just smiled evilly.
“Sorry, luv, he won’t be able to hear you.” He said. I moved towards the door and opened it.
“Why? What did you do to him? Paul!” I screamed again, almost crying. He just laughed.
“Let’s just say, he won’t be able to hear you for a while,” he said.
“You didn’t kill him did you?” I asked softly and stopping. He smiled again as he got closer.
“No of course not luv, we like to torture before any killing,” he said. I began crying, and turned around and ran. He ran after me, catching up. He ran into me and threw me down to the ground. A shot of pain soared through my back. I winced.
“Stop crying,” he ordered me. I shook my head.
“I want Paul, where is he!?” I cried. He looked annoyed.
“You know for a pretty little thing, you aren’t too smart. I’m not going to tell you where Paul is.” He said and he forced himself on me. I tried squirming away but his weight and strength was too much for me. He began kissing my neck as I cried. Slowly he loosened his grip on my arms and I was able to reach a big wooden candle holder.
“Take that!” I yelled and smacked him on top of the head. He fell to the ground unconscious. Still crying, I was able to get him off of me as I ran downstairs to get away from him.
“Paul? Paul can you hear me?” I cried. I began looking all over and when I opened one of the closets a dark haired dead person fell out.
“Paul!!” I screamed, crying even more. I couldn’t see his face, but when I turned him over, thankfully it wasn’t Paul. I suddenly heard movement upstairs.
“Crap,” I said to myself, turning to find a place to hide. I ran into a storage room and hid behind the water heater. I heard someone coming down the stairs.
“That was nice luv, but you’re not going to get away with that next time,” I heard Paul’s voice. I held my breath.
“I know you are down here, and I’m going to find you. And you’ll be sorry you hit me,” I heard the angry voice say right in front of the door. I closed my eyes and prayed. After what seemed like an hour, there was silence. I got out from behind the water heater and slowly opened the door. Nobody was there. I left the room and slowly and quietly walked upstairs looking around for either Paul. I checked everywhere and the other Paul must’ve left. Now I needed to find the real Paul. I frantically started in the room we were in and there was no sign of him. I moved to the next room, and when I opened the closet Paul fell out.
“Oh my gosh, Paul!” I yelled falling to my knees next to him. I flipped him over, and he was unconscious. As I started crying again, I noticed he had huge bruises all over his face and body, along with a few cuts. I grabbed him and pulled him close to my chest. I kissed his head and cried telling him how sorry I was. I didn’t want him to wake up in here so with all my strength I picked him up as best I could, and walked him into the room and set him on the bed. There was blood smeared on him so I went and got a washcloth. I sat there cleaning off his chest and face, while I cried. After a few minutes, he groaned and moved.
“Paul?” I said. He turned slowly and opened his eyes.
“Olivia?” he asked trying to bring his head up, “Ouch,” he said holding his head, as he let it fall back down.
“Yeah, you’re pretty beat up,” I said sniffing.
“Are you crying?” he asked blinking a few times.
“Yes, I was so scared. I didn’t know what happened to you, and, and, look at you.” I said crying some more. He grabbed me and brought me towards him.
“It’s alright, I’m fine,” he said holding me and kissing me softly.
“No you aren’t! You’re all beat up!” I said.
“Are you alright?” he asked worried. I shook my head.
“Paul, who cares about me, you’re the one-”
“Are these bruises?” he asked looking at my arms. I nodded.
“Yes, but I’m fine,”
“Who did this to you?” he asked sitting up and I knew by his face it hurt his whole body. After all that he went through, he only cared about me. I couldn’t believe it….he really did love me.
“Some guy that looked like you, but I hit him on the head and got away,” I told him, “Now, please, Paul, lay down.” I said. He shook his head.
“Why did he do this?” he asked angry. I shrugged.
“He wanted some and I wouldn’t give it to him,” I told him. He seemed really pissed now.
“He was trying to rape you!?” He said raising his voice. I shook my head.
“Paul, I wouldn’t go that far…” I started to say before he interrupted.
“If you wouldn’t have hit him, it would’ve been,” he said. He did have a point.
“Paul please, I’m okay…” I started again.
“Where the hell is this bastard?” he asked angrily looking around.
“He’s gone,” I told him. I touched his face and brought his head around to look at me, “I’m okay. Will you please lay down, you’re hurt bad.” I told him.
“Are you sure you are alright?” he asked, calming down a bit, “What did he do?”
“Nothing really, he just kissed me some, but that’s it. Now please,” I begged him. He finally laid down bringing me with him.
“I’m so sorry, love.” He said. I looked up at him.
“You don’t have to be sorry; it’s not your fault.” I told him.
“Yes it is. I should’ve been here to beat the crap out of him and keep you safe.” He said. I shook my head.
“I love you so much,” was all I thought of to say. He pulled my chin up and looked at me.
“I love you more than anything.” He said back and kissed me. The rest of the day that’s all we did, snuggled and rested until we fell asleep. Let’s just hope this never happens again.

Onto Chapter 9

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